Supporting Mom Through Parkinson’s Hallucinations
Parkinson’s Care at Home in Lincoln NE: Caring for a parent with Parkinson’s disease can be overwhelming, especially when hallucinations become frequent.
Dementia & Friendship, How to Help Mom’s Friends Prepare for a Visit
In-Home Memory Care in Lincoln NE: With education, preparation, and understanding, you can help Mom’s friends feel empowered to reconnect in meaningful ways.
🌟 Happy New Year from Our Home Care Team! 🌟
As we welcome a new year, we know this season often brings families together for cherished moments and heartfelt conversations.
Instead of More Medications, Consider Music for Mom
In-Home Memory Care in Lincoln NE: Studies have shown many positive benefits of music for seniors with dementia, making it an essential part of caregiving.
Walking the Path of “ambiguous loss” Together: A Daughter’s Guide to Loving Someone with Dementia
In-Home Memory Care in Lincoln NE: Dear fellow daughter on this journey, I understand the complexity of emotions you’re experiencing and you’re not alone.
Why Is My Mom Crying All the Time? And Why Is She Hallucinating?
In-Home Memory Care in Lincoln NE: As a daughter caring for your mother with dementia, you may find yourself asking these heartbreaking questions.
Mom is having “Memory Problems,” what can you do?
Memory Care in Lincoln NE: Are you worried about your mom’s memory issues? Discover how an in-home care team can provide her support to remain in her home.
Creating a Blue Zone for Your Parents: How In-Home Care Supports Health and Longevity
In-Home Care in Lincoln NE: This winter, let’s aim for a Blue Zone winter filled with health, vitality, and connection for your parents.
When Caring for Mom Becomes Too Much: A Daughter’s Perspective
In-Home Memory Care in Lincoln NE: It’s hard to describe the mix of emotions I feel every day, watching my mom become someone different because of dementia.
Coping with the Intolerance of Uncertainty: Supporting Your Parent with a New Diagnosis of Dementia or Parkinson’s Disease
Hospital to Home Transition in Lincoln NE: Coming home from the hospital is a complicated time for seniors. Hospital to home transition care can help.